Astral Knight Wartune

Jan 10, 2014 Astrals are “add-ons” to your character that enhance its stats and provide a variety of ways to play Wartune. Where do I acquire said astral? You can acquire astrals in the astro icon on the bottom of your screen, and looks like a little circle. After you click the icon, you get this screen. Astral gathering is unlocked at Level 25. In astral gathering, you can spend an amount of gold to obtain one random astral. Each astral gathered may also unlock the next astro, allowing you to collect a better astral from it. Every astral gathered also grants one or more Star Points, which can be used to buy special astrals. Once you gather an astral, you can choose to sell, synthesize,. If your level is high enough for additional astral slots, you can consider using other secondary astrals such as critical related, or DEF related depending on the combat situation. Thoughts on Troops. As a knight in Wartune, you can really either go for Angel or Knight for your Wartune troops. It depends on your primary focus, if you are heavier in the tanking and defensive aspect, you can go for Knight for the extra damage output or angel to make you an even unpenetrable wall of defense.

Wartune Archer Catacombs Guide (1 – 100)

Hello to all for now. Thanks in advance for reading. this guide is for Catacomb Archer.

Wartune Astral 5. Wartune Charisma Gem 6. Charisma Potion from Shop and Crypt Shop. The last way is to get enough Daro to upgrade your Wartune troops. How to Get more Wartune Daru Daro are very important in the game to make your Wartune troops stronger. Below we will list out all the major ways of obtaining Wartune Daro to upgrade your. ASTRAL SYSTEM Astral gathering is unlocked at Level 25. In astral gathering, you can pay an amount of gold to obtain one random astral. Each astral gathered may also unlock the next astro (the odds of this seem to be about 1 in 3), allowing you to collect one astral from it. Every astral gathered also grants one or more Star Points, which can be used to buy special astrals.Once you gather an.

Important to know is. before level 50 you need much Physical defence but from level 50 of the catacombs come only the big eye as boss.
The boss make only magic damage. So you just need a lot of magic defense and a lot of physical Attack for your bloodthirsty Strike.


Skillusing from the Boss:
First thing you need to know and learn about the level 50+ eyeballs what skills they use and in what order.
the boss use first 1 lightning bolt, then use he his AOE magic ability. This has a chance to stun for 1 turn.
After this he use again 2 lighning bolts and then the De-Buff. The key to the debuff is the number of turns it’s in effect, 3.
After he casts his debuff he casts one lightning bolt, then casts his eyeball roll (which also applies a slow).
After which he starts the cycle over again with 2 lightning bolts.

Your tactic:
Well first off, you need to have your double attack timing.
When he casts his eyeball debuff, the -def and attack, you need to double attack for two turns.
The execution of this is exactly the same as world boss.
You need to anticipate the timing of this, so you can start your double attacks the turn he casts.

Skillung What you need:


With this Skills you can Beat the Complete catacombs.
but you need Minimum 8000 MDEF and 8000+ PATK good thing is 25-28k HP for Intercept
with higher level finish first the defence skills

My Current Academy Setup:


Make a Focus on your Hero PATK after that come Hero MDEF then Hero HP.
the rest ist Optional and no need for Catacomb Except Troop PATK when u have PATK Enlightenment

Best Astrals For Knight Wartune

Your Troops:
The Best troops in the catacomb are Angels my Angels are atm level 52
but with lv46 Troops you can Finish the complete catacomb.
Take your troops ever behind you Because The boss hit first everytimes the rear
so you become not damage. only the D-Buff and the AE hit you in front.

Now we go to the stats of your Equip:
Knights are the best stats for Physical Attack, Block, defense, hit points, magic defense.
The first four are a must have when you get to the other, it is Cool.

Now we come to the socket’s:
The First socket Physical Attack if you have more, second as HP, the third Magical Defense, and with epic in the fourth socket Crit.

Now we come to the Astral’s:
this three Astrals are a must have:
Astral first you need is Force. The more level the better the Astral.
Second Astral should be willpower. The more level the better the Astral.
Third Astral should be enhanced Illusion. Minimum level 4
and these Three Astrals are Optional:
(you can take two from them what you want)
Fourth Astral should be enhanced Determination. The more level the better the Astral.
Fifth Astral should be enhanced ruthlessness. Minimum level 3 but higher is better.
Sixth Astral should be Pristine Sniper’s Edge. The more level the better the Astral.

The fight itself is very simple:
1) Start the battle with Deep Freeze.(Make sure u have 45 rage at every boss)
2) then use Mult-Shot and safe your Rage for Bloodthirsty Strike and Deep Freez.
3) Deep Freez use only after the AE from the boss Except the first Deep Freez.
4) use your Bloodthirsty Strike only when you not have the D-Buff.
5) Poison Arrow is a big Damageboost use it ever on cooldown but be sure you have enough rage for Bloodthirsty Strike and Deep Freez.

MageAstrals - Wartune Guide

That was the whole fight. you just need these four skills no other skills.
With level 54 and these stats and Astral from this guide You can beat Easy level 100 catacomb.