Smash Brothers Brawl Mods

  1. Smash Brawl Mod Pack
  2. Super Smash Brothers Brawl Mods
The Brawl+ logo

Brawl+ is a gameplay mod designed to make Super Smash Bros. Brawl more competitive. Among the first gameplay mods released to the public, Brawl+ attained some niche appeal amongst the Smash community due to its gameplay changes. However, as the first mod of Brawl to undo many of the game's changes to more closely match Melee, Brawl+ was frequently controversial amongst smashers, primarily over what the mod's intentions were, with a number of critics referring to the game as 'Melee 2.0'. Brawl+'s own staff also reportedly became antagonistic with one another due to the lack of a defined goal for the mod.

Despite the controversy surrounding the mod, Brawl+ was the first gameplay mod of Brawl to develop its own tournament scene, and it was featured as a side event at some tournaments, such as Apex 2010 and S.N.E.S..

Brawl+'s last release, version 7.0.3, was released in 2010, with most of its staff having moved onto the development of Brawl+'s spiritual successor, Project M. As such, development of Brawl+ is ceased, and no new releases of it are expected. In the present, Brawl+ is mostly viewed as a curiosity for players who want to see how the Brawl hacking scene started.


  • No random Prat Falling. Moves that trip players such as Banana Peel are unchanged.
  • A new character select screen with independent icons for Zelda, Sheik, Zero Suit Samus, and all Pokémon Trainer Pokémon.
  • Hitlag decreased in some moves, such as Captain Falcon's sweetspotted forward aerial (the Knee Smash) and Marth's tipped forward smash.
  • Fully independent versions of Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard, though Pokémon Trainer can still be selected. For the stand-alone characters, Stamina has been removed, and the Pokémon will not cycle upon revival or via Pokémon Change. The Pokémon Trainer will be absent from the match and the results screen if players choose to play an independent Pokémon.
  • Automatic L-canceling, also known as ALR or Aerial Lag Reduction (most characters' landing lag from aerials has been reduced to 50%; Captain Falcon and Lucas to 40%; Link to 35%)
  • Dash-canceling from Melee is reintroduced. Crouching while dashing allows for this.
  • No replay time limit. The replay icon still does not appear if the match is longer than three minutes, but if the player presses the button to save replays, the replay will be saved normally.
  • Window of time for dash-dancing lengthened, enabling more Melee-like DDing.
  • Ability to shield during dash-dancing.
  • No stale-move negation.
  • Stage freezing. A few stages have all their movement stopped, potentially allowing for more neutral stages. This applies for:
    • Luigi's Mansion - Formerly, the stage would always be in the 'destroyed' mode, known as the Deadlands, however, it has recently been recreated to have ceilings act like soft platforms
    • WarioWare, Inc. - stage is always in original form
    • Spear Pillar - Dialga, Palkia, and Cresselia don't appear altogether, removing stage hazards
    • Pokémon Stadium 2 - Stage does not change forms
  • No auto sweet spot ledges.
  • Lag-less edges - characters can now drop from or climb onto ledges immediately after grabbing them
  • Since build 5.0, the Online Practice Stage is loaded whenever Rumble Falls is selected in Versus Mode. In older versions of Brawl+, the Online Practice Stage was loaded whenever New Pork City was selected, and in even older versions (Genesis build) the Online Practice Stage was fully selectable as a stand-alone stage. As of 7.0.3, the Online Practice Stage is loaded as its own icon, but without the common3.pac file, the icon is loaded as Flat Zone 2.

Gameplay Tweaks[edit]

  • Character modifications with the intent of balancing. For example, Captain Falcon has been significantly improved.
  • Faster overall gameplay speed, largely due to reduced lag and sped-up attack frames
  • Increased falling speed for most characters
  • Increased fast-falling speed for most characters
  • Increased hitstun, allowing for truly inescapable combos, and more comboing potential in general
  • Tech window enlarged, making for easier teching
  • Faster techrolls
  • Fixes grab release problems. No more grab release problems afflicting characters such as Wario, Ness, and Lucas.
  • Perfect shield window decreased.
  • Increased shieldstun, meaning a character hit while using their shield is forced to stay shielded for a longer amount of time.
  • Many moves received slight alterations (e.g.: Bowser's forward smash now produces a flame effect on contact with the opponent, Wizard's Foot gives another jump for recovery, and Rest now produces a darkness effect and launches the enemy at an angle instead of upward.)
  • Buffer time for moves can be changed to 0-10 frames in Versus mode (Brawl's default is 10). This is done by replacing the handicap with buffer settings, with every 10% being one frame of buffer.
  • Using the C-Stick for a downward aerial attack no longer produces an auto-fastfall.
  • Landing lag glitch removed.
  • Unrestricted camera during replays, and while paused in a Versus match.
  • Default Versus settings are now four stock, eight minutes, Team Attack on
  • Nametags are saved in replays
  • Grabs give the victim back their second jump (fixes exploit when grabbing an opponent at the ledge and release them to force a Fall)
  • Extended out-of-bounds limits on certain stages
  • Differently colored shields

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

Super Smash Bros.gameplay mods
Smash 6419XXTE ·19XXCE ·19XXGE ·Hex ·Smash Remix ·SSBMSE
Melee20XX Tournament Edition ·20XX Training Hack Pack ·Melee: SD Remix ·Silly Melee ·Universal Controller Fix
BrawlBalanced Brawl ·Brawl+ ·Brawl- ·Project M ·Project+ ·Legacy TE ·Legacy XP ·Smash 2 ·Smash 2 Plus
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U4XM ·USM-eM ·Super Smash Bros. Better ·B4lanced ·Sm4sh Remix
UltimateProjectNX ·HDR: Soul Remix
Retrieved from ''

Note: This website does not support piracy, and the officially supported methods all require a legitimate copy of the game. Additionally, this website does not support any modification to the Wii system, and encourages users to use the 'Hackless' method of loading.

SSB Infinite is a mod of Super Smash Bros Brawl that adds many new characters, stages and alternate costumes, most alts being different characters completely. I.e: Parappa the Rappa over Knuckle Joe, or Banjo Kazooie over Mario, or even Ronald Mcdonald over Goku, THAT'S RIGHT!!! EVEN DBZ CHARACTERS ARE IN THIS GAME!!!

  1. WindHunter started it off with the model import, Nanobuds made the Brawl-esque texture, Puzzled optimized the model and improved the texture further, ChucklesDemKnuckles and I made a few recolors, Moe made the PM 3.6 render, and, finally, Wumb0 took the screenshots: the very reason this mod is here now.
  2. Welcome to Smashboards, the world's largest Super Smash Brothers community! Over 250,000 Smash Bros. Fans from around the world have come to discuss these great games in over 19 million posts! You are currently viewing our boards as a visitor. Click here to sign up right now and start on your path in the Smash community!

The Full Codeset takes advantage of all that Project M has to offer. However, for WiFi and replays to function properly, the WiFi-Safe set must be used. The WiFi-Safe set does not differentiate between L/R lightpress and full press or have C-stick buffering, nor does it have Stock Control or Stage Strike. The PMDT recommends you play with the Full Codeset unless you're specifically using WiFi/Replays. You may switch between these two builds simply by replacing RSBE01.gct, the menu2 folder, and the system folder.

  • The downloads below are for NTSC Brawl Discs and Wii's only.
  • Your SD card must be less than or equal to 2 GigaBytes in capacity to use Project M. Note: The Project M installation includes both music and textures as part of the standard package. If you have custom content on your card, it will be overwritten.

This content is hosted by Project Mirror. Project M Lightning Mirror does not endorse this website and vice-versa.


Please follow the instructions below. Note: The instructions are for the Hackless method. If you're using a Homebrew method, simply delete any previous version of Project M, extract the files to your SD card then boot Homebrew and select the Project M Launcher. If you are using the Installer, you will prompted to select a package to download.

  • Delete any custom Brawl stage files on your Wii and SD Card! Don't assume that because you haven't made any there aren't any; 3 custom stages are included with a new savefile of Brawl.
  • Delete any previous version of Project M from your SD Card and make sure the card itself is not named 'Project M' or any derivative thereof.
  • Unzip the file and open the folder that comes out, or use the Installer to download and generate the folder instead.
  • Move the contents of that folder to your SD Card.
  • Remove any Gamecube Memory Cards.
  • Boot up Brawl and go to the Stage Builder.
  • The Project M Launcher will boot; select Launch Game.
  • You will see a straploader saying Project M 3.6. Additionally, if your menu image looks like the image below, then go ahead and play and enjoy Project M!

Smash Brawl Mod Pack

Example of correct menu image


If you are having any trouble with the installers (i.e. your game isn't loading the hackless option or the menus/character edits are not showing up, first read our official troubleshooting guide. If after you've gone through the guide and you are still having problems, ask for help on our Help and Support forum!

Super Smash Brothers Brawl Mods