Spamsieve Manual

SpamsieveManualSpamsieve manual

Spamsieve Manual

Spamsieve manual

Michael Tsai of C-Command Software has released SpamSieve 2.9.29 to add compatibility with Apple Mail in macOS 10.13 High Sierra. The spam filtering utility also makes a variety of improvements to filtering email in Microsoft Outlook 2016, including working around a hang that occurred with large mailboxes, adding an optional Large Inboxes setup to improve the speed of processing messages, and improving logging and error reporting. The release also updates the Apple Mail — Remote Training script to set and clear message background colors and (optionally) flags, fixes the permissions of the log file if necessary, improves detection and reporting problems with the launch agent, and updatesseveral sections of the manual. ($30 new with a 20 percent discount for TidBITS members, free update, 13.7 MB, release notes, 10.6+)


Spamsieve Manual

SpamSieve Manual. This manual is also available in SpamSieve’s Help menu, as a PDF (5.6 MB), and as multi-page online help. There is also a video that shows how to install SpamSieve and use it with Apple Mail. Basically if Mail is hanging for you, go tot he script and change “60 seconds” to “180 seconds” or even “320 seconds”. While this setup (drone setup) is described in the SpamSieve manual as well, this article is where I discovered it. It has prevented me from having to switch my mail hosting to Google Apps!